Effects on fish communities of Owen Creek bank stabilisation

Pioneer Catchment Landcare Group had undertaken a bank stabilisation and habitat improvement project in Owens Creek. Works included bank restoration, the installation of a series of engineered log jams and riparian revegetation. Catchment Solutions was contracted to assess the effect of these works on the fish communities of the site.This report contains the study methodology,…

Owens Creek

Owens CreekPioneer Catchment Landcare Group had undertaken a bank stabilisation and habitat improvement project in Owens Creek. Works included bank restoration, the installation of a series of engineered log jams and riparian revegetation. Catchment Solutions was contracted to assess the effect of these works on the fish communities of the site.This report contains the study methodology, results, interpretation and discussion on the effects of the engineered log jam on fish communities of Owens Creek. Read more